Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog Assignment 3

- The article entitled "Acknowledge the Lizard" tells us to ignore a part of your brain that acts as a selfdefense mechanism against embarrassment or possible persecution.  This part of the brain produces doubt and becomes the voice in your head that tells you to just follow the rules.
- "Be Generous" basically talks about the famous saying "give and you shall receive", it gives an example of the guy who created, and how he turned it into a million-dollar operation from being generous to the artists that it used and supported.
- "Learn"  is about how people need to continuously learn in order to keep going in life, and become successful, if one stops learning, they'll stop progressing. People need to learn as much as they can about the world, not just material taught in school.

Addressing the idea that these blog assignments may be a complete waste of time; I don't think that these assignments are a waste of time (kind of). However, I also don't think that these are helping the good old United States education system shape our clay-like minds. I think that creativity isn't something you learn in life, some people just learn how to control and use it to produce better results. I mean yeah, these blog assignments are borderline pointless but it's menial tasks like this that keep the education system going, besides it'd be a hell of a lot harder to do well in a college class that only consisted of a midterm and a final (I'm sure as many people know). Although these blog assignments prove useful when it comes to overall grades in the class (easy points are easy points), they don't help my creative process at all. If anything, these assignments kind of represent exactly what the article was talking about.  My math teacher last year gave a speech in the beginning of the school year talking about every form of schooling someone goes through in life is just about finding out if you're a trainable monkey, to find out if the world can shape you into what it wants (A MINDLESS ZOMBIE).  So even though I made my decision half way through writing this little essay, I support these menial blog assignments. They're easy points. ALTHOUGH. I don't think they support or enhance our creativity or thoughts towards creativity in any way.

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