Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blog Assignment 2   

"Mumon" is a short story that describes the path to finding your true self. The main character of the story is red wolf; a dying breed of wolf. Mumon and his kin were born into captivity, because the past generation of red wold was few in number and placed in captivity to be safe and begin repopulating. After some time, Mumon and his few kin were released back into the wild to restore their population and their place in nature. However they've forgotten their primal instincts and are unable to form a successful pack and have a successful leader. Therefore Mumon goes on a physical and spiritual journey to find his howl and become the leader of the pack. After many adrenaline-pumping events, he finds his howl within himself and establishes himself as the leader of the new successful red wolf pack.

Since my years as a middle schooler, the band Bloc Party has been my favorite band that i've ever heard (unfortunately i've never seen them live but hopefully that dream will be fulfilled sometime in the future). Their instrumental parts are beautifully written by whom I think to be one of the most gifted guitarists in the world; Russell Lissack. However the incredibly thoughtful lyrics written by their lead singer Kele Okereke have also been nothing less than captivating as a listen to their music. Bloc Party has made quite a name for itself in the indie/alternative rock genre in music despite their somewhat recent hiatus. Although, their fame has never turned them into egocentric celebrities, they all are actually quite shy and hate being in the lime light. Kele Okereke put what he felt toward the media in a very well versed thought: "Why is it important to know what I had for breakfast? Or who I went to bed with? Or what sneakers I am wearing? If it's relevant to understanding my music, then so be it. But if it's purely to satisfy the media's obsession with celebrity, then no thanks. I don't want to play that game." Being in an amateur band that just plays a few shows around Pittsburgh, I can't fully understand the position that Kele is in, but if I were in his position I think I would feel the same way. Not that I think this could ever happen, but I dread the idea of being constantly questioned and followed by people who are just trying to satisfy the media or the public. I mean it even freaks me out to be in crowded areas or being the center of attention. I think that too many artists nowadays are just in it for the money and the fame and aren't putting all of themselves into the music they create. As a creative person this quote always reminds me that if you're going to create something such as a beautiful painting or song, you shouldn't do it for the wrong reasons, you should create it because you love it and you put all of your effort into it. The best and most amazing pieces are results of this anyways.

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